Our Vision

Our Topics

Badilisha is Kiswahili and means trans­formation. We support sustainable develop­ment on Rusinga Island in Lake Victoria, Kenya. We follow a holistic approach that takes into account educational and environ­mental topics as well as immediate issues of food security and economic development. All topics are interdependent.

Our project has three components:

Strengthening Community

For a future
without worries

Our Tasks

Together with our partners

on Rusinga we face a multitude of tasks. None of these tasks can be considered in isolation from the others. The concrete concepts for the projects we support should therefore combine as many of these tasks as possible.


Coaching & Consulting

Badilisha – Transformation



Promoting education and personal development



Planting trees, protecting livelihood


Food Sustainability

Securing food and strengthening incomes


Soil Restoration

Stopping environmental destruction



Sun and wood


Water Management

Rain and drought

Our Active Players

Together we can do so much

You couldn't do it alone. Everyone does what they can with all their heart. We work closely together on a voluntary basis and are well networked. We are learning to understand each other better and better. These are already transformations – Badilisha. We bring our experiences to our communities, in Kenya and in Germany. We can make a transformation in this way.

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Awesome Image
About BaRuIs

Badilisha Rusinga Island

We are three graduates of the class of 2002 from the Dresden St.-Benno-Gymnasium, Claudia, Eli and Anna. As well as our friends, families and acquaintances. Our relationship with Rusinga goes back to 2003, when Claudia supported a project of a local youth group which took care of orphans whose parents had died of HIV/AIDS during a 6-month stay, among other things.

Today BaRuIs e.V. supports several local groups who are engaged and committed to making a difference. It is a project of hope.






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