The Shalom Family Group was founded in 2020 and now has 20 members (19 women). It has a significant impact on the lives of its members.
Table banking is a group-based funding strategy that aims at improving the economic life for the marginalized, especially underprivileged women in rural areas. Each time members meet, they save money from which they can take short term loans. Table banking is not a complex financial concept but it is making a difference in the lives of many women and their families in many ways. It is a simple idea whereby members gather after every two weeks and literally put their money on the table, and a clear record is taken, which then becomes immediately available to members for loans. This practice eliminates bank fees, waiting periods for loan approval and many other obstacles faced by women in rural areas who need loans but lack collateral. The loans given are purposely used to start income generating activities or small businesses.
Through training, members learn how to manage their personal finances and how to run a small business.